Posted: July 9th, 2022

Go to UW library research databases and search for POM Wonderful v. Coca Cola un

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Go to UW library research databases and search for POM Wonderful v. Coca Cola under the Westlaw database under federal cases. Make sure that you click on the Supreme Court case from 2014.
Read through the case summary and keynotes.
Answer the following in a short paragraph: why was POM Wonderful suing Coca Cola and how is this case related to false and misleading advertising? Who were the stakeholders in this case? Do you think that the case was resolved properly (hint: you may have to Google the case to find out the final outcome)? Why or why not? PART II. Read the following articles and answer the following questions in a SHORT paragraph (no more than three or four sentences each).
What is a “material connection” as defined by the FTC and how should it be disclosed? How should a material connection be disclosed when it comes to Instagram? What were the FTC’s concerns about using multiple hashtags when disclosing sponsored content from online influencers? Name at least three deceptive and illegal marketing practices used by the Career Education Corporation (CEC).

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