Posted: October 15th, 2022

Have fun and pick a media-rich, exciting event that you would consider attending!

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You have been reading the book and have now come to the point where you should be able to find an event on-line that you like. You are being asked to not only find an event in the city to which you are assigned, but supply the link and critique it for marketability attraction, ease of navigation through the website, payment options, and likelihood that others will attend. Finally, you are asked to give your opinion of the event, so feel free to apply your knowledge and support your statements.
This event can be something organized to celebrate an occasion (wedding, anniversary, musical performance, or city celebration such as Springtime Tallahassee, Thomasville Victorian Christmas, etc.) or party of any sort that you like. This cannot be a sporting event, pre-game tailgate, or other regularly weekly occurring happening, but something special that celebrates a season or event in someone’s lives
Submit as a Word Document containing a link to a website marketing an event you find interesting and provide an evaluation of the site as well as the overall event as marketed. If your document will not load as a Word document, you may convert it to a .pdf, which will automatically resize your project with photos, to permit uploading. Check with Canvas BEFORE doing this…making sure your project will submit.
Use 12 point font in Courier or Times New Roman style, 1/2 inch (.5) margins all around, double-space between headings and all text under the headings (except for main title of paper, see below). Use proper grammar, spelling, and mechanics. Your document must be no less and no more than 3 pages of content (excluding photos), numbered (center the page number at the bottom of each page).
Start with:
Main Title/Title of the Event (not a separate page from the document)– begin project with the following information at top of document, centered, using Upper and Lower Case lettering. This information is at the top of page 1 and considered the first page of the project. Single space under each…Type of Event (first line under main title), Date of Event (second line), Location of Event (fourth line). On the fifth line, Insert the LINK for the event.
Double space after the above information and begin with the headings:
Headings are to be as in your first project paper; indented five spaces with the text under them introduced with the first sentence indented five spaces, and the remaining text in each paragraph flush left with right ragged edges. This is the default in Word.
-Type of Client Most Likely to Attend (describe–demographics such as age, interests, why they would be attracted to this event, etc.)
-Ease of Website Navigation
-Payment Options and Guarantees/Return Policy
-Likelihood of Success
-My Opinion of the Event (this is worth 5 points of the 75 total points possible)
References (if needed for photo or other material resource citation)
Again, points will be deducted for writing as you speak (you must use collegiate mechanics), improper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. As indicated, the Total Point Value of this project is 75 points. Enjoy it and offer your opinion of the assignment if you would like. We appreciate your feedback! Include photos of the event, but remember, you must have at least 3 pages of content (words), excluding photos to adequately present the event.
Please understand that there are many students in this class, so this will take some time to grade. We will post your grade with feedback, if needed, when we have completed the evaluation process.
Have Fun and pick a media-rich, exciting event that you would consider attending! EVENT: Kissimmee Fusion

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