Posted: May 14th, 2022

Having learned about yourself and about potential employers in the area you are interested in,the next step is to have a deeper understanding of what it is like to work in the industry/companyyou have chosen.

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Having learned about yourself and about potential employers in the area you are interested in,the next step is to have a deeper understanding of what it is like to work in the industry/companyyou have chosen.
Personal Interview
Conduct a personal interview with a highly successful professional working in the field you are
interested in. You need to identify such a person, make the contact and schedule the interview,
personally visit the professional, and gather information on the following:
● Name of the professional, position and what he/she is primarily responsible for.
● What are the most important strengths or skills necessary to achieve his/her position?
● Name of the company, products and general description of target customers.
● What characteristics does the company look for when hiring?
● How does the company find qualified employees?
● Can he/she provide recommendations on improving a student’s leadership skills?
● Obtain a business card or a link to the professional’s LinkedIn profile.
Please prepare a write-up of the interview. DO NOT use a question-and-answer format.
Review your findings and write-up from the interview. Provide the following analysis.
● Explain why the person you interviewed was selected for the assignment.
● What did you find was the most interesting part of the interview?
● Is this an area (i.e., company/industry) that you would like to explore for a job after
graduation? Why or why not?
If you ARE interested in a job in this industry or with this specific position:
● Describe 3 characteristics that the person you interviewed told you were important. To
what extent do your current qualifications fit within these characteristics?
● What should you do to prepare for a job in this industry between now and graduation?
● Are there courses you think you should take? Explain.
● Are there specific activities you believe will enhance your characteristics in the eyes of
employers? Describe them.
If you DON’T want a job in this industry based on your interview findings:
● What industry have you found in your research that you might want to explore? Why?
● What are 3 characteristics you think you will need to join that industry? Why?
● What should you do to prepare for a job in this industry between now and graduation?
● Are there courses you think you should take? Explain.
● Are there specific activities you believe will enhance your characteristics in the eyes of
employers? Describe them.
Include in Your Submission
1. Write-up and analysis including all required components in the bulleted lists and with a
combined minimum word count of 1000
Personal Interview
Raul Baluyut. Supervisor. Raul is a LA Metro
supervisor for custodians. His primary responsibilities are accepting/disapproving
employee time off, making sure employees are completing their assignments every
day, and overlooking custodians.
The most important skills and strengths
necessary are managing time and communication. Raul needs to be able to manage
time correctly because every day he has a lot on his plate and on top of that
there are usually multiple unexpected calls that pop up from custodians he has
to respond to, so he always has to be ready for that and still make sure
everything else he has to do is getting done. Communication is key between him
and his bosses because whatever his bosses tell him, he must make sure to relay
the message to all custodians and communication is also key between him and the
custodians because custodians need to know what they are doing wrong or doing
right in order to make improvements, keep quality relationship between each
other, and maintain a happy work environment.
The company Raul works for is LA Metro. They provide public transportation ranging
from North Hollywood to Santa Monica to Long Beach to downtown LA, etc. Metro
provides transportation by bus, trains, and they even have what called ‘Micro
Metro,’ which is sort of like uber.
Metro has
thousands of different jobs opportunities within the company, but in Raul’s
case, who is a supervisor for Metro custodians, the company looks for people
who know how to perform the task exceptionally, aren’t afraid to take on
challenges, have a great track record with the company, are knowledgeable about
the different assignments for custodians and most importantly have a good
working attitude and good communication.
The company starts by placing up the job
application on its website. They provide a description of what is required,
such as 2+ years of custodial work, they provide the necessary functions of the
job, etc. They either have a set date of when the application closes or they
wait until it hits 500 applications. The hiring process is very thorough. In
short, whoever they decide to move to the first step must drive out to Metro
Headquarters in LA and take a pre-test which involves basic knowledge about the
job. If you pass, from there you get the opportunity to schedule an interview
and if they decide you are qualified and select you, you begin four weeks of
training. So, Metro makes sure candidates have previous history of the job type
and on top of that you need to pass a general knowledge test about that job before
you can even move forward.
Raul’s recommendations for you students to grow
their leadership skills is to step out of their comfort zone. Take on harder
tasks to further your skills because when you feel confident and are
knowledgeable about performing a certain task, you will have the confidence to
lead other people who are trying to learn about that task. Also, try to speak
up more during group projects. Learn to be communicative and partner with people
you do not know instead of you friends to gain communication skills.
I selected Raul for my interview because he is
very successful. He is my current supervisor and I’ve always wanted to get into
Metro. They have countless opportunities, the pay/salary is great, and benefits
are wonderful. Im currently a custodian and my plan is to move up and grow with
the company. Although Raul isn’t at the top of the food chain, he makes roughly
150k-170k a year. He is very knowledgeable about Metro so I knew he would be a
perfect candidate for this interview.
The most interesting part of this interview was
how complicated being a supervisor actually is.
You have to constantly be on top of your responsibilities and make sure every
custodian is on top of their or else you get in trouble by the bigger responsibilities.
Since it is public transportation, cleanliness, safety, and sanitation are
extremely important and it all falls on Raul.
This is definitely an area I would like to
explore. My ultimate/ dream goal is to become my own boss and have a mechanic shop
because cars are my passion and I love to work on them. But, for now I haven’t explored
how to do that, nor do I have enough experience or awareness about cars and how
to obtain the things I need in order to open a shop. Although that my dream, if
there was a company I wanted to work for it was Metro because of the great pay,
benefits and countless opportunities so I a glad I work for them.
Job in the industry
Characteristics for getting any job in Metro is having
experience in that job, a good track record with previous employers, and skills
that are going to benefit metro. I met the requirements to become a custodian,
therefore I got the job. I do not want to be a custodian my whole career, I plan
to move up into higher positions so the fact that I already work for metro will
help me get other positions easier.
If the job you are trying to get requires an education/certificate,
then you should most definitely get those because if Metro requires it and you don’t
have it, they simply wont hire you.

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