Posted: June 24th, 2022

Having real-world applicability, create a PowerPoint presentation that will provide you an opportunity to create a career skills inventory and associated gap analysis

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Having real-world applicability, create a PowerPoint presentation that will provide you an opportunity to create a career skills inventory and associated gap analysis. Using the article The Challenge of Exceptional Communication as a guide, the goal for this assignment is to professionally present your current skills and identifiable gaps in existing skills to promote yourself as an ideal candidate for the career of your choice. The information derived from this assignment should accurately reflect your existing skills.
In your presentation,
Describe the skills you possess that make you an ideal candidate for your chosen career. (training experience, 4 years leadership experience, current position retail sales training store manager)
Identify any gaps in your existing skill set that an employer may require. ( bachelors degree currently pursuing)
Explain how you plan on honing these gaps in your existing skill set.
Explain how you would effectively and persuasively communicate this gap in a manner that would still qualify you for your career choice. (career choice Sr. Sales Trainer)

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