Posted: June 16th, 2022

• Heath, Chip and Heath, Dan. (2013) Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work (13th ed.) U.S.: Crown Business.

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• Heath, Chip and Heath, Dan. (2013) Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work
(13th ed.) U.S.: Crown Business.
As in every assignment, preview the grading rubrics to meet each section’s Excellent level.
1. Share a concept of your choice from our reading and explain it to your classmates. The purpose is to select something that affects you and others that you can apply. Elaborate upon the idea from your reading and how that it could be utilized in making decisions. For example, you could answer these questions: Did you identify anything from your reading that may apply to you from your past, present or future? Explain how you could utilize this idea.
2. In what ways or situations could the scripture from Timothy help in making decisions? For example, the King James Version states in the seventh verse that, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Questions to answer can include: How can this relate to or support us in making decisions? If you see that this has already been brought out in dialogue, what do other versions of the Bible say? What other Biblical scripture would guide you in decision making? For example, a basic one could be one of the Ten Commandments which guides us in choices.

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