Posted: June 9th, 2022
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Hello, please find the following detailed instructions. Please read carefully as there are many details.
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT THIS ASSIGNMENT HAS TWO DIFFERENT PARAGPRAPHS, 1) Writing a letter to the editor (400 words) + Writing the analysis of the newspapers articles (min 1500words)
These are the steps:
1. Gathering of newspaper articles on the subject of social justice (at least 12 different articles relating to the same topic).
Select a topic of your choice relating to language and social justice featured in newspapers and news magazines as of January 1st 2021. Real newspapers and news magazines such as La Presse, Le Devoir, The Gazette, The New York Times, The Guardian, The Globe and Mail, Le Monde, Time Magazine, The Economist, MacLean, L’Actualité, etc.; Not Metro, and certainly not your newsfeed from Facebook or Twitter or any such social media. You can read the newspapers/news magazines online, if you wish too but you must download to your computer the articles that you retain for this assignment. Choose your topic wisely: It should be a topic that is likely to be in the news for a few weeks so that you can gather enough data over a minimum period of 6 weeks. Ideally, you will want to use at least 4 different newspapers, and if possible of different political positions: ex: The Gazette and Le Devoir, the Globe and Mail, etc.
The following topics are examples of what would be appropriate: 1) Endangerment of First Nations languages 2) Language and immigration in Quebec; 3) New Language reform bill of Government of Quebec. 4) Language policies in China; 5) Creole in education in Haiti. Once you chose your topic, ensure to check with me to see if it is suitable.
2. Search for and read the articles pertaining to the topic: (including letters to the editors and editorials) and start building a portfolio. Gather material for a period of about at least 6 weeks (you can go back in time). You should have at least 12 different articles. Keep in mind that you should have enough to be able to write the paper, as per the instructions below.
3. Handling your data :
3.1. Keep your articles somewhere safe (a binder; a box, etc.) or better, keep digital copies on an external disk drive or cloud.
3.2. Clearly identify each article by identifying its source and the date of
publication. Example: The gazette, p. 13, 23 January 21 2021.
3.3. Write short notes on the content of each article (brief summary ; your personal
reaction to the article ; the thoughts it generated, etc.).
4. Analyzing your data :
4.1. Identify the recurrent themes and arguments
4.2. Organize them in a logical way
4.3. Do some research on the story you are following (scholarly articles, books, internet). Be very careful when using information from the web. You cannot take this information at face value, given all the misinformation circulating on the web. Thus, it is important to use academic sources that you find in the university libraries in and around Montreal to support your analysis, which should be both analytically critical and factual.
4.4. Look for meaning. What does this all mean?
4.5. Come to a conclusion.
5. Write the paper :):
5.1 Part one consists in a letter that, as an informed and concerned citizen, you might want to write to the editor of a journal and in which you explain your opinion on the crisis you covered for this assignment. It is an opinion piece: it should be short and should not include bibliographic references.
The letter to the editor has about 400 words, 12 point font, Times New Roman, one inch margins on all sides.
5.2 Part two (65%) is an academic paper that you write based on the data you collected. A successful paper
a) Summarizes the topic under study;
b) Presents a chronology of its evolution;
c) Analyzes the themes and arguments presented in the articles you collected ;
d) Presents your opinion as if a journalist had asked you, the anthropologist, to explain the situation to her.
e) Makes use of the anthropological concepts you have learned in the class.
f) Uses good academic sources well.
The paper must include in text citations and have a bibliography. Academic material is therefore, required. The bibliography is not included in the word count limit. Please make sure to carefully formulate your analysis, check your grammar and sentence structure, and proofread your paper for spelling and punctuation errors.
Proper citation and bibliography are mandatory and must follow the format used in Anthropologica, the official journal of the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA).
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