Posted: August 8th, 2022

Here are the five questions: 1. In what ways did Bezos pay attention to each of

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Here are the five questions:
1. In what ways did Bezos pay attention to each of the three areas of the triad of awareness? Discuss how he
could improve his focused leadership.
2. Do you agree/disagree with the statement ‘Bezos leads with a paradoxical mindset’? Defend your answer.
3. Drucker argued that effective business leaders have a theory about how the business can thrive in the face of
ever-changing consumer demands and ever-increasing competition. Explain and justify what should be the
component parts of Bezos’ theory of business (e.g. in terms of the assumptions that he seems to be making
about the business environment and customers, its purpose and capabilities).
4. In what ways (if any) did the actions of Bezos indicate that his business is ‘Purpose-Driven’?
5. Illustrate how Bezos practices exemplary leadership as described by Kouzes and Posner. Where do you think
he fell short of exhibiting exemplary leadership practices? Discuss how he could have exemplified the
practice(s) more successfully.
Case Study: Bezos, J 2020, ‘How Amazon Thinks About Competition’, Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, pp. 2–4,

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