Posted: November 22nd, 2022

Hi can I ask you a couple of questions before I hire you ? My first question is

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Hi can I ask you a couple of questions before I hire you ?
My first question is that
I am going through a break up with this girl I haven’t dated for long actually
We have been going out for about 7 months
We had a wonderful connection from the beginning I want this poetry to be about our love and how it died too quickly and how sorry I am
I have some files I want to attach
The files I will attach are messages that she sent me that I saved because I loved them so much I would love for you to use the messages she sent me over time in to the poetry
We both were born in the same hospital in the same year 1994 can you include that in the poem? The hospital name is Elmhurst hospital in New York City
The second file I will attach is dates of the days me and her did things together can you please use this file and put a lot of what’s in this file in to the poetry
The file with dates are only about 3 months long because that’s around the time our relationship started going through a really rough patch
Eventually we broke up
And now she won’t even speak to me
I want this poetry to be a huge apology and for her to atleast talk to me again
I love and miss her alot another thing to note is that I live in philly but she still lives in New York and our distance between each other has always been a huge issue between us
Can you make this poetry happen? Can you please make it sound really powerful and I really want to sound like I am really sorry for letting us die out and I want to mean it?
Can you also include how much I would love to hear her voice again or to get a text back from her once more
Can you do this poetry ?please make this in to.a poetry and you can use a rhyme scheme but you dont have to
The “text” file has text messages from her
the “shahzada and nazia dates” file are dates and the things we did and talked about on those dates

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