Posted: May 9th, 2022

Historical development of the two companies – founding of company – Development of current organization – current leadership of companies

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A. Historical development of the two companies
– founding of company
– Development of current organization
– current leadership of companies
B. Comprehensive strategic and financial analysis
Planning a strategy
– swot analysis of both companies
– Corporate strategy of each company
– Business level strategies for each company
Financial Analysis
– stock price and recent movement
– Financial statements- mention balance sheet and income statement
– Ratio analysis- calculation of financial ratios to assess financial health
C. Comparing the two companies
– Managerial decisions affect your health company
– Financial decisions
– structural decisions
– Recent events impacting the companies
D. Future direction
– feature of the industry
– future direction of the two companies
* companies are Amazon and Alibaba/Ali Express
* have Some Wall Street Journal Sources
*Sources can be more if needed
* doesn’t have to be super detailed info, just enough to cover the the topics and meet page count

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