Posted: April 28th, 2022

How are Acheulean tools different from Oldowan tools?

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Answer at least 4 or all 8 of the following in about 500 words
● What was a change of locomotion that homo erectuswould have likely done habitually that the australopiths could either not do or could only do poorly? ● Describe at least two physical differences (cranial and post-cranial skeletal)
between homo erectus and the autralopiths that indicate a change in locomotion.
● What new food was homo erectus incorporating in their diet that the australopiths were not?
● Describe at least two physical (cranial and post-cranial skeletal) traits that indicate a change in diet.
● Describe two cultural artifacts which indicate a change in diet. ● How are Acheulean tools different from Oldowan tools?
● What is the evidence homo erectus could control fire?
● How far and wide did homo erectus disperse (give at least two examples)?

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