Posted: July 11th, 2022

How can the motivational structure for employees at Dulce be improved? (Dulce is a coffee shop inside our university) (

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I am writing a research paper, the topic is
How can the motivational structure for employees at Dulce be improved? (Dulce is a coffee shop inside our university) (
Through the interview with the owner, I found that the main problem within this coffeeshop is a lack of employee motivation and dedication, to be more specific:
There is too much flexibility with school schedules (Finals, activities) so that part-time student workers can’t go to work
Mental health problems (sociopolitical events)
Inequality in tipping ( Front of house: cashier makes $16 min wage + tips and often makes more than back of the house: baker.
Now, your job is to help me research and answer two questions!
1. How do different firms deal with this issue? (try to research college coffee shops first, if there are no results, college restaurants or other shops are also fine as long as they have solutions to this motivation problem) Give me two examples!
Issues include Too much flexibility with the school schedule, Mental health problems (sociopolitical events), and Inequality in tipping
2. What can be learned from these differences compared to Dulce?
The research and answer should be concise and not very long, only write the most important parts!! should be around 400 words.
I have included a interview script with the Cafe Dulce’s owner incase you need to learn more

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