Posted: June 16th, 2022

How did local gender norms and colonial policies (up until 1947) the political economy of agrarian livelihoods in Senegambia, as per the article by Carney and Watts (1991)

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1. Explain, in your own words, the meaning and relevance of Figure 1. In your discussion, you must engage with O’Laughlin (2004), Scoones (2009), and Bernstein (2010). (650 words)
2. How did local gender norms and colonial policies (up until 1947) the political economy of agrarian livelihoods in Senegambia, as per the article by Carney and Watts (1991)? (350 words)
3. How does the social composition of rural resistance to dispossession in India shape its objectives in Michael Levien’s (2013) study? (350 words)
Note: While Questions 2 and 3 do ask you to engage closely with one specific article, a complete answer will also draw on concepts seen in class. In other words, don’t simply summarise the portions of the article that speak to the question, but try to interpret them using analytical tools and concepts seen in class.
class materials are uploaded, question 2&3 should combine with the following 4 ppt’s concepts.
Bernstein, H. 2010. Class dynamics of agrarian change. Halifax, N.S.; Sterling, VA: Fernwood Publishing; Kumarian Press.
Carney, J. and M. Watts. 1991. Disciplining Women? Rice, Mechanization, and the Evolution of Mandinka Gender Relations in Senegambia. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 16(4), 651–81.
Levien, M. 2013. The Politics of Dispossession: Theorizing India’s “Land Wars”. Politics & Society, 41(3), 351–94.
O’Laughlin, B. 2004. Book Reviews. Development & Change, 35(2), 385–403.
Scoones, I. 2009. Livelihoods perspectives and rural development. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 36(1), 171–96.

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