Posted: February 23rd, 2022

How did Visa improve customer service while also improving retention of fraud?

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a business writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Application Case4.1Visa Is Enhancing the Customer Experience While Reducing Fraud with Predictive Analytics and Data MiningWhat challenges were Visa and the rest of the credit card industry facing?
How did Visa improve customer service while also improving retention of fraud?
What is in-memory analytics, and why was it necessary?
Application Case4.2Dell Is Staying Agile and Effective with Analytics in the 21st Century1.What was the challenge Dell was facing that led to their analytics journey?2.What solution did Dell develop and implement? What were the results?3.As an analytics company itself, Dell has used its service offerings for its own business. Do you think it is easier or harder for a company to taste its own medicine? Explain.
Requirements: 2-3 pages

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