Posted: October 2nd, 2022

How do the relevant theories or concepts help to explain what happened?

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Individual Reflection Paper 15% The reflection assignment is intended as an opportunity to develop the analytical and writing skills you will need in higher level courses and the workplace. Your reflection paper will be on the topic of Motivation (see due date in the class schedule below).
In this reflection, you will identify a personal situation, event, or challenge to which you can apply concepts from the respective chapters of our textbook (Ch.5&6). You should not borrow a situation from a case study that you find online or elsewhere. (This is an act of plagiarism.) Draw from your experiences at work, school, on a sports team or while volunteering with an organization, etc. Alternatively, you can interview someone, such as your parent or friend. The most interesting situations or events will be those where the individuals involved handled a situation poorly or handled a particularly difficult situation better than one might expect.
Papers should be a maximum of three pages: Use one-page maximum to describe the situation or event or challenge, who was involved, and what happened. Then, use two pages to answer these two questions:
1. How do the relevant theories or concepts help to explain what happened? (5 marks)
2. How would you (or how would you recommend that the other people involved) use the relevant theories or concepts to handle a similar situation more effectively in the future? Or, if you really cannot find anything to ‘improve upon’ in how the situation was handled, you could use the relevant concepts to discuss what could have gone wrong and why. (5 marks)
You do not need to use all the theories or concepts from the chapter – choose the concept or concepts that best apply. I am looking for ‘depth’ more than ‘breadth’ of analysis and ideas here, so it is better to clearly explain two or even just one concept and apply it to your chosen situation or event. Be sure to set up your arguments by briefly explaining the core concepts in the theory before you apply it to your situation or event.
Include your name and student number at the top of page one. Use letter sized paper (8.5 X 11 inches); font Times New Roman, 12 pt.; margins one inch (2.5 cm); double spaced. Submit your reflection paper as a Word document via OWL Assignments. Late papers will have 10% of the mark subtracted for each day late.

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