Posted: October 15th, 2022

How do you envision the mba program enhancing your personal and professional approach to finance?

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The internet is filled with advice, some good and lots quite dreadful. Compile two short lists of financial advice found on the internet: one list of sources of sound financial advice and one of source of questionable advice. For each source, defend your assessment of credibility. How do you envision the MBA program enhancing your personal and professional approach to finance?
Be sure to make connections between the assigned materials and your ideas.
You don’t need to write a huge essay, but it should be at least 350-400 words long. Please reply to two learners. Your replies to others should comment on new insights you gained in reading their essays, and how their ideas did or did not change your own viewpoint.
Try to respond to learners with perspectives different from your own in order to demonstrate your understanding of other frameworks and perspectives.
Banga, A. (2020, October). Financial inclusion, the digital divide and other thoughts on the future of money [Video]. TED@BCG.
Desai, M. A. (2017, July 17). Finance can be a noble profession (Yes, really). Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 2-5.
Ioannou, S. & Wójcik, D. (2020, June 12). COVID-19 and finance: Market developments so far and potential impacts on the financial sector and centres. Journal of Economic and Human Geography, 111(3), 387-400.
Peregrine Academics. (2020). Academic Leveling Courses.
White, E. (2017, February). An honest look at the personal finance crisis [Video]. TED.

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