Posted: March 20th, 2023

How does the evolution of diet relate to the evolution of the brain? (Please foc

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How does the evolution of diet relate to the evolution of the brain? (Please focus on this question)
Please follow the rubric.
Background/Introduction: Why is this a useful area of research? What is the main idea of the paper? Why is this study being done?
Methods: Are the methods appropriate? Give an overview of the approach. Describe any new techniques used. What was the treatment and what was the control? When possible, give specific descriiptions of how groups were chosen, how many subjects were used, and what specific treatments were given.
Papers without methods are usually review papers summarizing the results of many other papers. Did the authors pick the appropriate papers? Describe whether these papers support the thesis of the review paper. Are they complete, or is something missing? Give a general example of how the original studies were conducted. For example, “ X study used genetically modified mice as models, and Y study used hormonal treatments.”
Results: What do the results show? Make sure you present the important findings.
Discussion: Do these results confirm or refute the hypothesis? Discuss any methodological shortcomings such as sample size and proper controls. Are the methods sufficient to answer the question (i.e. test the hypothesis)? Is there a larger significance to the results? What research would need to be done to answer further questions implied by this paper? Are there wider implications for science, society or healthcare? Is there implicit bias in the paper?

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