Posted: June 6th, 2022

How does understanding the connection between philosophical worldview and research methodology assist in your research approach?

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Each of us has unique experiences and perceptions that shape what we believe about the world. These beliefs and underlying assumptions affect our natural approach to research. Take a moment to review the four philosophical worldviews (i.e., positivism, post-positivism, constructivism, pragmatism) and identify what fits best with your philosophy. Keep in mind that a research paradigm is essentially a worldview that a researcher brings to their study. It represents the researcher’s view of reality or truth. While there is ongoing discussion regarding which paradigms exist in the modern research community, it helps to focus on Positivism, Post- Positivism, Constructivism, and Pragmatism for applied business research. It would be best to research this topic to understand your research paradigm, as it will shape how you approach your problem. It is also important to note that while some paradigms lend themselves better to specific methodologies, the choice of methodology does not change the paradigm. This is part of who you are and how you view the world. It is instrumental in thinking about how your research paradigm aligns with your Christian Worldview. To better understand your view of reality, an excellent question to ask yourself is, “how many versions of The Truth exist?”
Take a moment to review the four philosophical worldviews (i.e., positivism, post-positivism, constructivism, pragmatism) and identify what fits best with your philosophy.
Positivism – Single objective reality that we seek to discover.
Post-Positivism – Single objective reality that we seek to discover with the understanding that we never will fully understand it.
Constructivism – Reality is determined by the individual, and the researcher seeks to understand that view of reality.
Pragmatism – Focus on the ‘problem’ rather than the view of reality, using any tools available to understand the problem.
After reviewing the Reading for this module and considering the four philosophical worldviews (i.e., positivism, post-positivism, constructionism, pragmatic) discussed in the text, please respond to the following:
Which philosophical worldview most closely aligns with your perspective and how you view problems in the world? How so?
How does understanding the connection between philosophical worldview and research methodology assist in your research approach?
Compare/contrast research philosophical worldview with that of a Christian worldview. Are there any problem areas, or do most philosophical worldviews appear congruent with a Christian worldview?
Response to the discussion prompt questions should be a minimum of 600 words. You must
use a minimum of four scholarly resources to support your information and 1 biblical
integration. Please save these resources as they will be used in a future assignment.
Please Dont forget the Biblical Intergration with resource

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