Posted: June 8th, 2022

how external pressures from competitive shifts and internal pressure for a new leader can drive change

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In this week’s assignment, we see how external pressures from competitive shifts and internal pressure for a new leader can drive change. Practice using what you have learned to council Jack White on how plan this change in a way that will minimize resistance and risks to achieve success.
Read the following scenario from Ch. 8, “Resistance to Change,” of Managing Organizational Change: A Multiple Perspectives Approach:
Scenario: Jack’s Dilemma
Write a 525- to 700-word paper in which you:
Identify the risks associated with the need for change in Strickland Corporation.
Describe the different approaches Jack may consider that could be used to manage resistance.
Examine an approach that would be appropriate in minimizing resistance to change.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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