Posted: February 23rd, 2022

How Good Are Your Communication Skills?

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a humanities question and need guidance to help me learn.Communication Skills Check-In DiscussionPrior to beginning work on this discussion forum, revisit and retake The Communication Questions from Week 1 – How Good Are Your Communication Skills? Speaking, Listening, Writing, and Reading Effectively. (Links to an external site.)An important theme throughout this course is being a competent communicator, which is the ability to choose a communication behavior that is both effective and appropriate for a given situation. For this final discussion forum, you are required to do the following:Complete the assessment and compare your results from Week 1 to today.How are they different, if at all, from Week 1?Identify one of your communication strengths, using and citing your textbook.Identify one of your communication weaknesses, using and citing your textbook.Explain how working on your communication weaknesses will improve your personal relationships.Explain how working on your communication weaknesses will improve your professional relationships.Requirements: 350 words
Requirements: 350

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