Posted: May 4th, 2022

How leaders find right solutions by knowing what to ask. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass).

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Marquardt Text: Resources B and C:
Read Resource B: Action Learning: A Powerful Training Program for Developing Questioning Leaders and
Resource C: Resources for Training and Information on Questioning Leadership, pages 255-270.
(Marquardt, M. J. (2014). Leading with questions: How leaders find right solutions by knowing what to ask. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass).
Marquardt provides two final resources that detail ways leaders may train their employees to become a questioning organization. As we have learned throughout your program of study, many variables must be considered as we lead for change within a system’s thinking mindset. Marquardt offers potential ideas that flow well from the philosophy of your program of study.
Having read Marquardt’s ideas for training programs using questioning at their foundation, create a singular thesis statement (position statement) and offer support of it in reaction to either or both resources read this week.
The main post must have a nice level of detail and information. The main post requires the use of academic material in the form of parenthetical citations and references. Do NOT use direct quotes. All work must be paraphrased, and the source given credit with a parenthetical citation. All work must be written in APA 7th edition.

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