Posted: November 4th, 2022

How many members do the teamsters currently have?

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The Teamsters
The Teamsters is one of the nation’s largest and oldest labor unions. Go to the union’s website
( and review the material before responding to the prompts shown below.
Share some details about the history of this union. For example, when was the union founded? Originally, the union represented workers in what industry? How many members do the Teamsters currently have? Other than the United States, in what other country or countries does the union represent workers? In addition to responding to these questions, provide an overview to the history of this union.
Describe three pieces of information that you discovered about unions or about the Teamsters, in particular, that you did not know.
The United Farm Workers of America
Thousands of farm workers are protected by the United Farm Workers of America. Go to the union’s website ( and review the material before responding to the questions shown below.
Also, review the material at the website shown below,

United Farm Workers of America

Share some details about the history of this union. For example, why, specifically, was the union formed? Who was the founder? Describe three pieces of information that you discovered about the United Farm Workers of America that you did not know. In addition to responding to these questions, provide an overview to the history of this union.
Finally, Do you think unions are still important and necessary or do you think they are no longer needed? Why or why not?
Be thorough. Your work should include history and details about both unions. Show evidence of your research. In other words, cite your sources.
Be sure to include (or list) your sources.
Your response is to be written as a narrative, not in a question and answer format.
Notice that the plagiarism detector, Turnitin, is activated for this assignment.

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