Posted: March 2nd, 2022

how robotics and automation can help shape the future of work and change how humans collaborate with machines.

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a business case study and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Assignment: Enabling Human–Machine Productivity in Your OrganizationIn this module, you learned about how robotics and automation can help shape the future of work and change how humans collaborate with machines. In this assignment, you will explore opportunities for increasing the productivity enabled by human–machine collaboration for your organization or an organization of your choice.In a written submission of 3–5 paragraphs, discussing these questions:What are two or three tasks in your organization that could or should be automated?
In which type of job category are these tasks located? How large of a percentage of the total set of tasks in that job do they constitute?
Which of the remaining tasks in that job category are non-automatable and valuable?
How could you combine these valuable human tasks with automated machine tasks in new ways to create superior productivity?
This assignment should be 250–500 words and will take approximately 20 to 25 minutes to complete.
Requirements: 250–500 words   |   .doc file

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