Posted: March 28th, 2022

How stigma associated with synthetic cannabinoids in the past for example when potent synthetics were being sold on the illicit market and even legal market and were branded “bath salts” could persuade a prospect medical cannabis user (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) that that’s the only cannabinoid that is for them when there’s a much less potent cannabinoid that provides the same physical health benefits as delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol at the same or lower price.

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Idea/subtopic: How stigma associated with synthetic cannabinoids in the past for example when potent synthetics were being sold on the illicit market and even legal market and were branded “bath salts” could persuade a prospect medical cannabis user (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) that that’s the only cannabinoid that is for them when there’s a much less potent cannabinoid that provides the same physical health benefits as delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol at the same or lower price.
Idea/subtopic: How the head high associated with cannabis can be habit-forming and lead to future drug use which a user should know and be presented cleaner, less reactive, and less potent alternatives to cannabis if they’re looking for the medicinal effects.

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