Posted: June 2nd, 2022

how to find vital behaviors.

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Assignment Instructions
Draft a reply
of at least 300-400 words to post below. The reply must support the assertions
with at least two scholarly citations in APA format. Any sources cited must
have been published within the last three (3) years. Acceptable sources include
scholarly citations from peer-reviewed journals.
The initial post was write a discussion to reflect on the principles presented in the course text Influencer by Grenny, Patterson, Maxfield, McMillan, & Switzler. To reflect on the section from chapter 3 called “Find the Vital Behaviors,” including the four search strategies. Write a thread that integrates personal experience regarding this search with current developments and best practices from industry. Are there any other search strategies you would recommend be added to the list? The student did and their post is below.
Response to this post:
A true
influencer will understand how to find vital behaviors. There are four vital
behaviors search strategies; notice the obvious, look for crucial moments,
players from positive deviants, and spot culture busters. Most leaders will
seek vital behaviors that effect the population or the outcome of a business
success. My favorite example is the customer service that came from the story
of one of Danny’s servers. When the server went out of his way to save the day
for the lady that left her purse in the taxi was a very inspirational story.
That showed character from the server along with the restaurant. I have been working in the construction industry and the vital behavior
that I often see are safety issues. In the construction industry there are high
accidental rates and mortality has been one of the greatest concerns in the
industry (Ni et al., 2020). When I first started the job position, I
immediately saw that there was a lot of safety issues that needed to be
changed. There had not been any injuries, but it was still a matter of time of
it happening. As a leader, I knew that it was critical that I addressed the
vital behavior and made a change. I started off by understanding how to make a
safer area by taking an OSHA-30 course. The Course gave examples and scenarios
of what could happen in situations that most do not see as a dangerous
situation. In the last several years since the government has put more money into
the economy, there has been an increase in the construction industry. With the
rapid growth and the need of speeding up the projects because of the high
demand in the field there has been more accidents now than ever before ( Zhou
& Ding, 2017). That is why I understand that there had to be a change in
how the construction sites were being handled. What I immediately did when I
arrived at the site was thank all of those who were practicing safety. Those
whom were not, I simply spoke to them in a firm and friendly way that they were
not practicing safety and I explained to them how they could easily get hurt. I
showed them by actually making an accident occur on the scene and showing the
workers that if they had been underneath an area or if they would have had a
loved one in the area of the problem area how would they protect themselves or
their loved ones. They immediately understood that I was not trying to be bossy
and nag at them for no apparent reason, I was doing everything in my power to
protect them. As we all are facing the COVID situation, we are still in a critical spot
when there are multiple trades working at the same time. Again for safety
reasons we have to implement stricter rules at the job sites. COVID has taught
society that it is very important to wash hands, social distance, and wear mask
(Galindo et al., 2021). In any job site it is important that everyone takes the
precautions to protect themselves along with their coworkers to make sure that
productivity does not decline because of illness. Again for doing so, as an
influencer I had to show the workers that I too wear mask and frequently wash
my hands. It is important to not only influence others to change things for the
best, but it is important to also practice what you preach. When you do so, you
gain the respect from others and the chances of the change becoming more of a
permanent thing increases. It is important to show the employees that it should
just become second nature to be safe at all times. Knowing how to influence
others on safety is one of the hardest things, because everyone has the
mentality that they know how to take care of themselves and that nothing will
ever happen to them. When we all know that is not accurate. Change in the
industry is a work in progress and I am going to take it one day at a time
until December 31, 2025 and the number of accidents have decreased by 40% of
todays incident number. By the end of 2025 there will be many advanced technologies that will
help me get to my goal (Pham et al., 2021;2020). With the increase of
technology we will see how we can use it towards are own benefit. Technology
will work in the construction industry to reduce the amount of injuries that
have been illuminated because the job duties will be reduced. There are now
prefabricated houses that technology has allowed to reduce the amount of time
to fully construct a new house. The prefabricated houses are becoming more of a
trend. My company is a preferred general contractor for a lot of prefabricated
houses. A number one thing that we do is eliminate job responsibilities from
the workers to the prefabricated company that relies on machines to build the houses.
This alone will reduce the number of injuries in the construction industry. I
will then have to re-evaluate where the industry is and increase the percentage
if needed to. The main thing is that I do
not want any
injuries at any of our job site. My short term goal is to have only 1 injury by
December 2023. I will work very hard to make sure that there is no injuries,
but if one does happen then I will have to be stricter on the rules and make
the workers do more training for safety ftey. References
Galido, A.,
Ecleo, J.J., Husnayain, A., & Chia-Yu Su., E. (2021) Exploring online
search behavior for COVID-19 preventive measures: The Philippine case. PloS One, 16(4), e0249810-e0249810.
Https:// Ni, G., Zhu,
Y., Zhang, Z., Quioa, Y., Li, H., Xu, N., Deng, Y., Yan, Z., & Want, W.
(2020). Influencing mechanism of job satisfaction on safety Behavior of new generation of construction workers based on Chinese
context: The mediating roles of work engagement and safety knowledge
Sharing. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public
Health, 17(22), 8361. HTTPS://
Pham, C.,
Poorzargar, K., Nagappa, M., Saripella, A., Paratta, M., Englesakis, M., Lee,
K., & Chung, F. (2021;2022). Effectiveness of consumer-
Grade contactless vital signs monitors: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, 36(1). 45, Https:// Zhou, C.,
& Ding, L.Y. (2017). Safety barrier warning system for underground
construction sites using internet-of-things technologies. Automation In
construction, 83, 373. HTTPS://

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