Posted: February 17th, 2022

how to handle fire safety or hazardous waste at the newly renovated facility.

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You and your team have been assigned to manage a renovation project from an old warehouse to a medical office building. You have been asked to manage one of the internal environmental impacts, such as hazardous waste management, fire and safety management, disaster management, security management, or ADA guidelines, in the newly renovated building.
The discussion of the cross-functional team members reveals their concern regarding topics like how to handle fire safety or hazardous waste at the newly renovated facility. The internal stakeholders, including the director of facilities and human resources manager, are interested specifically in the ADA guidelines.
Note: The term environmental does not relate to the outside environment such as trees and animals.
Select the following area to use in your facility and presentation:
Hazardous waste management
Create a 3-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation for one of the selected areas in the renovation of your facility. Your presentation should
Explain budget planning and cost estimates for incorporating the area you selected into the renovated facility.
Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.
Format your citations according to APA guidelines. Include a title page, detailed speaker notes, and a references page.:

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