Posted: June 15th, 2022

How will you reach what you want through negotiation you can include or something from the book “Never Split the difference: Negotiation as if your life depends on it” and any other resources for negotiation

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I attached 2 files one employee perspectve and one HR perspective.
You are the employee perspective
Answer how you would Negotiatie for it in Between 500-700 words.
You can make use of external information not mentioned in the case study to complete your answers. Indicate references used.
How will you reach what you want through negotiation
you can include or something from the book “Never Split the difference: Negotiation as if your life depends on it” and any other resources for negotiation
It is very important to keep in mind that you are not supposed to know what the HR can do but im giving you the paper so you know the numbers that you can negotiate for but you are not supposed to know that they are willing to give 50-57 they will probably start by 50K and you will negotiate to get more than that 🙂 + the other things as well

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