Posted: February 23rd, 2022

How would you define lean and its purpose?

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.YOU CAN USE THE REQUIRED TEXT IF YOU CAN FIND IT ONLINE! IF YOU CAN NOT FIND YOU DO NOT HAVE TO USE IT!! Students will be required to engage in scholarly discussions related to course readings and current relevant literature. Faculty/guest lecturers will provide discussion topics within the course modules. The student will choose a question or discussion starter from the list below and make an initial 250 word response to the discussion topic and include at least two scholarly reference. After reading the discussion question answers from your peers, make a 100 word response to the posts of 2 of your peers and include 1 scholarly reference. In other words, answer the discussion question and respond to two of your peers for a total of three responses. Remember, these are scholarly responses. Your initial post and responses should be guided by prior and current course reading and the literature. Provide APA formatted in-text citations and references to support your responses. Be sure to review your responses before posting to eliminate grammatical and spelling errors. Discussion Board posts and responses will be evaluated using the rubric in Brightspace. Instructions related to postings may vary depending on the module. Adhere to instructions in the module if they are different from those outline here.How would you define lean and its purpose? How does the definition inform your understanding of waste?
After reviewing the examples of waste, think about examples of waste in your organization? How can they be reduced or eliminated?
Considering the elements for developing a model service line, where would you start in your organization and why?
Begin thinking about waste or other types of problems in your work area. Use the DMAIC Roadmap to Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control the waste or problem.
Consider the extent to which your organization considers the patient as the top priority. Identify cases in which you can and should do more to make it clear to all stakeholders that the patient truly comes first. Asa leader, what do you need to do to help build a patient-centered culture?
Using one area of care delivery as an example, describe the approach you would take to collect data on, document, and study each of the seven flows of medicine.
TextbooksRequired Text(s):Sipes, C. (2019). Project Management for the Advanced Practice Nurse, 2nd ed . Springer Publishing Company. ISBN: 9780826161956Harris, J.L., Roussel, L.A., Thomas, T. & Dearman, C. (2020). Project Planning & Management: A Guide for Nurses and Interprofessional Teams,3rd ed. Jones Bartlett. ISBN: 9781284147056
Requirements: answer fully

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