Posted: October 12th, 2022

However, john’s weaknesses include little participation in extracurricular activities or community service and no leadership experience.

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Acceptance & Rejection Assignment
Imagine you work in the admissions department of XYZ University. A small, private, exclusive University specializing in leadership. Anyone interested in admission must submit a letter to the board justifying the reason they feel they should be admitted, submit transcripts and test scores, and interview with the University’s board of admissions. The board of admissions considers the following criteria to determine if the person will be granted membership:
GPA Test Scores
Leadership Experience
Community Service Experience
Participation in Extracurricular Activities
Level of Motivation (based on interview)
Your job is to compose and send the letters of acceptance and rejection based on the board’s decision. John Smith recently applied to the University. John’s strengths include an exceptional GPA, high test scores, and a high level of motivation. However, John’s weaknesses include little participation in extracurricular activities or community service and no leadership experience. The board is conflicted on their decision and has asked you to compose a letter of acceptance AND rejection while they make their final decision. Having the letter ready will allow the board more time to decide and once the decision is made, the letter can be quickly printed and mailed to the student.
The acceptance letter should follow the strategies and tips for writing positive messages from Chapter 8 of your textbook. In your message, include the strengths from John’s application as the reason he has been accepted.
Your rejection message should follow the strategies and tips for writing negative messages from Chapter 9 of your textbook. In your message, include the weaknesses from John’s application as the reason he was not accepted.
Each letter should be formatted as a Block Style business letter (See Figure 8.1 on pg. 256 and Figure 9.2 on pg. 200 as a reference).
Each letter should be at least two paragraphs.
Again, you are composing an acceptance and rejection letter.
This assignment is worth 20 points and is due by 11:30 p.m., October 16, 2022.
* Please attach two separate letters in the designated dropbox for the Acceptance & Rejection Assignment.

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