Posted: October 12th, 2022

However, you are not required to purchase it and may find it easily in a library.

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Your actual comparative analysis will identify the author’s purpose for the book, its major themes, principles, and concepts, and a description of how those themes, principles, and concepts relate to the themes, principles, and concepts presented by DuBrin.
Submit your final Analysis of an Outside Reading paper through Week 9’s Assignments link. The paper/ analysis should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document and be certain you have carefully reviewed the paper for misspellings, syntax errors, page numbers.
For this analysis paper, you are to read one of the books listed below (or an approved book). You are to identify the author’s purpose for the book, its major themes, principles, and concepts, and describe how those themes, principles, and concepts relate to the themes, principles, and concepts presented by DuBrin. In other words, I want to see at minimum four (4) concepts from your “chosen author” and how they compare/align to DuBrin: where they agree and where they don’t, or if they don’t. This is not a book review but rather it is an analysis of outside reading and the documentation of that reading’s relatedness to the material you have been studying throughout this class.
The content of the analysis is to be completed in APA; the body of the analysis is to be between 7-8 pages. This page count does not include the title, abstract, and reference pages. Therefore, the total page count will be 10-11 pages. Please follow ALL APA, such as double-spaced pages, 12 point font, etc. The analysis must include the following:
– an APA title page with a running header;
– an Abstract Heading and Section;
– an Introduction Heading and Section;
– a Discussion Heading and Section;
– a Conclusion Heading and Section;
– and
the Reference page
– All parts in alignment with APA 6th edition
Please use an APA properly formatted header on each page. The book you select will need to be obtained from a local library, Webster’s library, a bookstore, an online book service such as, or some other book source. I would encourage you to actually purchase the book so you can retain it for future purposes. However, you are NOT required to purchase it and may find it easily in a library.
The books that I have read and like include:
– Dare to Lead by Brené Brown,
– Tribal Leadership by Dave Logan and John King.

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