Posted: May 11th, 2022

HR Challenge: Performance Management and the Employee Experience.

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Topic: HR
Challenge: Performance Management and the Employee Experience.
Overview: 3 pages (825 words)
At least 6 SCHOLARLY sources from peer-reviewed journal from 2016 to present. APA6. (Any of the listed sources can be used.)
· Prepare a 10 slide presentation to
persuade the company’s owner of the many positive changes that support the
employee experience and the value of performance management. Each slide should
include speaker notes that flesh out the information listed on the slide.
· The employee’s life and performance in the
workplace are viewed through a very different lens than they once were—and the
“once were” was not very long ago. New employees are coming to organizations
with a higher set of expectations across a myriad of different
person-to-organization touchpoints. From the pre-joining brand attraction phase
to onboarding and required early career training, a smooth, professional, and
engaging process is expected. For this assessment, you will be creating a
presentation that is intended to convince your company’s owner—you work in a
founder-based organization—-that a modern employee experience is of value. Key
areas such as employee engagement, communication, and performance evaluation
should all be aligned. Employees should be encouraged through robust learning
programs linked to both pay and awards of individual and team recognition rich
with meaning and symbols. Lastly, employees should receive meaningful
performance feedback that focuses on their successes as well as challenges.
Feedback should be presented in a way that encourages the employee and reduces
the traditional stress associated with the performance appraisal process. · The HR concept of the employee experience
comes from the field of marketing and seeks to provide HR professionals and
their clients a very different perspective of work and the workplace. This
means many different things to different people. It may mean well-conceived and
executed onboarding processes, access to good cuisine, an accommodating place
to work, opportunities for advancement, work rotations, or personal growth. The
challenge is to create the best possible experience for the employees in the
organization, which will attract employees with high potential to make valuable
contributions. Determining what makes work a positive experience by a
significant majority is similar to benefits programs but from the view of
demographic influences, and there will be generational differences and
lifestyle-oriented preferences.
· Scenario- This assessment examines how to
assess the effectiveness of a performance management process and how to design
and manage the employee experience (organization perspective) in a legacy
architectural engineering company.
o You work in a founder-based organization.
The company designs large bridges for locations all over the world. It is
located in a small town and is the largest employer in the area. The company
has a great technical reputation in the business, but they have not had a human
resources professional working in the organization until you arrived. The
company has a tough, somewhat dated, approach to many things.
§ There
is no on-boarding process; employees are expected to start work day one of
their employment. § There
are no performance appraisals at the end of the year, and employees who have
performance problems are separated and never get a chance to grow and reach
their full potential. § There
are no recognition programs and employees seem confused about how to move up in
the organization.
§ There
are promotions, but there does not seem to be any rhyme or reason as to how
people are selected for advancement. § While
design and engineering work is detailed and complicated, no employees have an
office. Cubicles are very small and very close to each other. § Current
employees complain they have nowhere nearby to eat.
o For this assessment, you will be creating
a persuasive presentation that is intended to convince your company’s owner
that a modern employee experience is of value. Key areas such as employee
engagement, communication, and performance evaluation should all be aligned.
Employees should be encouraged through robust learning programs linked to both
pay and awards of individual and team recognition rich with meaning and
symbols. Lastly, employees should receive meaningful performance feedback that
focuses on their successes as well as challenges. Feedback should be presented
in a way that encourages the employee and reduces the traditional stress
associated with the performance appraisal process. · Your Challenge
o Prepare a PowerPoint presentation,
including speaker notes for each slide, to persuade the company’s owner of the
many positive changes that support the employee experience and the value of
performance management. In the process, consider the organizational challenges
you will face. Also, discuss the potential negative impact associated with
change. How can you make employees feel valued, ensure they have opportunities
for future growth with the organization, and encourage them to commit to a
long-term professional relationship? What can be done to provide employees
valuable performance feedback in a professional and effective manner that is
both fair and objective?
· Instructions:
Prepare a 10 slide presentation that states your recommended course of action.
Each slide should include speaker notes that flesh out the information listed
on the slide. Along with your recommendation, include the following:
o (2 slides) Present an analysis of the
organization’s dated approach to performance feedback and propose alternatives.
(150 words (slide + speaker notes))
§ Provide
a description of the current state.
§ What
are the issues, and what impact are they having?
o (2 slides) Describe approaches to resolve
the issue of the company not having any employee rewards and recognition
programs. (150 words (slide + speaker notes))
§ Determine
what courses of action should be used.
o (2 slides) Explain what recommendation you
would make to respond to the absence of an onboarding program, its
implications, and how to mitigate issues. (150 words (slide + speaker notes))
§ Explain
why you selected the course of action.
o (2 slides) Describe how you would provide
consulting services to organizational leaders to recognize the value of
employee engagement. (175 words (slide + speaker notes))
§ Explain
the benefits.
§ Identify
the risks of low employee engagement.
o (2 slides) Define a plan to implement and
support employee engagement. (175 words (slide + speaker notes))
§ What
are the purpose and intent?
§ What
steps would you take?
will you ensure success?

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