Posted: September 8th, 2022

Identify 2-3 competitors in your market and conduct a detailed analysis of their business

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Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the following four areas (See handout Market Analysis at link below):
Industry Analysis- Identify detailed information on your industry
Competitor Analysis – Identify 2-3 competitors in your market and conduct a detailed analysis of their business
Potential pricing
Potential distribution channels
Click Market Analysis Questionnaire HandoutPreview the document for specific questions to address.
Design a research data toolkit or portfolio that contains various resources (websites, journals, free sites, trade associations, etc.) specifically for your product. Below is an example of how you might want to design your toolkit. It includes two websites for the restaurant industry. Once identified I recommend including a brief descriptor easier to referencing.
Marketing Sites Descriptor (for your reference)
10 tactics for driving food and beverage sales
A minimum of 12 resources should be identified. You may include resources from the industry and competitive analysis. Also, the internal and external checklist sheet could be used as a framework for your toolkit. As always presentation counts.
Resource: Guide to Writing a Killer Marketing Plan Download Guide to Writing a Killer Marketing Plan – Start at Section 2: Analysis and Competition
Upload the Market analysis paper and toolkit into canvas. You only need one per team. Remember to include team member names on all assignments.

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