Posted: November 17th, 2022

Identify an initiative for the business (scm, crm, erp).

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Cool College Startup Using what you have learned about Supply Chain Management, Customer Relationship Management, and Enterprise Relation Management, you are tasked with developing a list of Critical Success Factors and Key Performance Indicators to support the initiatives that you will be recommending.
Based on your business analysis (part 1) and the selection of the critical business processes diagrams (part 2), develop a presentation to: Identify an initiative for the business (SCM, CRM, ERP). Explain how the business can use the selected initiative to gain traction in the market. Outline the Critical Success Factors (CSF) and the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that will be used to measure the performance of the initiative towards the business goals. Minimum of 3 CSF. There may be more KPIs to support each. Identify how the data for each KPI will be captured.
Business Analysis (Part 1) and Business Processes Diagrams (Part 2) files uploaded below.
Be sure to include a title slide with the name of the company and a reference slide with any references used for this assignment.

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