Posted: October 24th, 2022

Identify and analyse the causes of your weakness and apply theories, concepts, and tools that you have learned from this course.

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This assessment task requires you to reflect on your own intercultural effectiveness, apply theories, concepts or tools you have learnt from this course, and create an action plan that you can undertake to improve your intercultural effectiveness in the future. You will be required to conduct self reflections and develop an action plan through a written essay format. Intercultural effectiveness is an important skill that everyone needs to develop in an inter-connected world and increasing culturally diverse workplace. The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on your own attitudes and behaviours, what you have learnt from this course, from your personal interactions with peers throughout this semester as well as from your work and other experiences, and to identify one area of weakness that you need to overcome. You also need to make an action plan to improve your intercultural effectiveness in the future. Reflection is a key approach that can be used for person development in contemporary professional practice.
Assessment details As part of your project requirement, you have been asked to conduct a self-evaluation of your behaviors and attitudes when working with culturally different others, develop an action plan to improve your inter-cultural effectivensss, and participate in a simulated job interview by responding to key selection criteria. In this self-reflection and action plan, you will be required to:
identify ONE area of weakness you have when interacting with people from different cultures or when working in a multicultural environment.
provide evidence, experiences and background information to demonstrate and support your above-nominated weakness.
identify and analyse the causes of your weakness and apply theories, concepts, and tools that you have learned from this course.
develop an actionable plan with specific actions you will take to overcome your nominated weakness and improve your inter-cultural effectiveness at universities and in the future workplace. In your simulated job interview opportunity you will be required to:
Respond to an interview question and prepare an answer using the STAR technique. The STAR technique can be located under Learning Resources within the assessment interactive. You have to use this technique in the writing. Using the interactive below explore the project evaluation brief, learning materials and assessment guidance to support your self reflection and action plan.

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