Posted: October 15th, 2022

Identify and describe the market segment to which the product/service chosen is marketed.

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In today’s world, an individual is always browsing for the quickest and easiest option. Whether it’s the fastest way to earn money or how to get your car clean the fastest. The newest craze has been automatic car wash clubs. While you may be thinking they have been round for years; these clubs are car washes that drive your car through the automatic wash cycle.
1. Identify and describe the market segment to which the product/service chosen is marketed. Include information about the basic customer needs that are being satisfied in that segment and develop a buyer persona for the segment.
Club Car Wash has several locations from Wisconsin to Texas to provide a quick, cheap, and efficient car wash.
2. For the product/service you have identified, please discuss the product/service bundle (i.e., core benefits, expected attributes, add-on attributes). In addition, choose at least three attributes of the product or service and discuss each based on the type of attribute (i.e., shopping, experience, credence).
3. For the product/service you have identified, identify atleast two specific service performances that must be delivered in the process of providing the product/service to customers. (For products, the retailer who provided the product might perform the services.) For each of these service performances, identify potential failure points and discuss how you might fail safe the service (a) to avoid or (b) to identify and respond to these potential failure points.
4. Consider best practices for choosing a good brand name. Evaluate the product/service’s brand in light of these best practices and discuss whether or not the brand chosen is a good one.

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