Posted: July 26th, 2022

Identify and discuss opportunities/strengths and threats/weaknesses of the global business environment that Cemex operates in.

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1. Identify and discuss opportunities/strengths and threats/weaknesses of the global business environment that Cemex operates in.
2. For each opportunity or threat identified above (in q. 1), discuss what level of available resources or competitive advantage Cemex has that could affect each opportunity/strength and/or threat/weakness
3. Explain the rationale for CEMEX’s transition from a national brand in Mexico to an international brand.
4.Using facts and data from the case, assess and interpret CEMEX’s financial performance relative to its international competitors and industry norms.
5. In light of the Cemex data and its overall competitive operating environment justify a recommendation of business downsizing; or maintain current business operations; or expand the business operations.

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