Posted: June 2nd, 2022

Identify at least one example of a healthy organizational culture and at least one example of an unhealthy organizational culture.

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To prepare for this
***Follow the Week 4
Discussion Rubric for this paper.
From personal experience or
public reputation, consider examples of organizations with healthy or
unhealthy corporate cultures. Identify examples of business practices that
are reflective of organizational health (and those that are not). You may
use examples from your own experience or examples you have located through
your own search.
Post your synthesis of
business practices reflective of organizational health, to include the
Identify at least one
example of a healthy organizational culture and at least one example of an
unhealthy organizational culture. For each example, briefly describe the
organization, being sure to avoid using real names of either the company
or any individuals in your description.
For the healthy culture you
described, identify at least two specific practices that contribute to the
overall health of the organization, including a rationale to support your
For the unhealthy culture
you described, identify the specific practices that detract from the
overall health of the organization, including a rationale to support your
For each unhealthy practice
identified, propose how it could feasibly be refocused or changed to yield
more positive outcomes for the organization’s overall health.

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