Posted: November 12th, 2022

Identify major components of value chain analysis for the tesla.

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Watch Tesla by National Geographic and the EV market

Answer the below questions based on the information from the video. The main thrust of this assignment is on questions 4-8.
1. Name 4 major external issues facing the Automobile Industry today. Identify whether they are opportunities or threats.
2. Which 5 Force impacts the most on the industry and why?
3. What are the major issues in running and managing a Tesla?
4. Identify major components of Value Chain analysis for the Tesla. What is the basis of their value creation? Explain how Tesla creates value through abilities of the firm.
5. Identify if Tesla has a sustainable competitive advantage, competitive advantage. Does Tesla have core competence or just capabilities and if so what are they?
6. Describe the leadership at Tesla what is the objectives of the firm. What adjectives would you use to describe Elon Musk.

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