Posted: October 15th, 2022

Identify the ethical issues

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Organizational ethics paper
Use the following format to identify the problem, the ethical issues, and the stakeholders. Then find alternative solutions, carefully evaluate each alternative, and make a recommendation.
1. Problem statement
2. What have you learned in this class that helps you understand or fix this problem
3. Identify the ethical issues
4. Identify the stakeholders
5. Identification and evaluation of alternatives
a. Alternative 1
i. 2 or more advantages
ii. 2 or more disadvantages
b. Alternative 2
i. 2 or more advantages
ii. 2 or more disadvantages
c. Alternative 3
i. 2 or more advantages
ii. 2 or more disadvantages
6. Conclusion and recommendations
Provide an overview of a current (within last 10 years) business-related event in the news. For example, an organization accused of doing something unethical or socially irresponsible. Summarize the issue in your own words (heading 1). This section should identify what the problem is that will be resolved in the subsequent sections. This section should be based on facts and information gathered from reliable sources, not your opinion or recollection.
The last sentence in this section should clearly state who the decision maker is and what their problem is. Your role is to advise the decision-maker in the case so that they can solve the problem. The decision maker can be the CEO, another manager or anyone you choose but it can only be one person (not a group of people).
Tell me about at least 3-5 concepts or theories that you have learned in this class (you can look at the whole book) that help you understand the problem and its possible solutions (heading 2).
Identify the ethical issues and explain why you think they are ethical issues (heading 3). Identify all the stakeholders and how they are impacted by the ethical issues in the paper (heading 4).
Write alternative approaches to solve the problem using the ethical frameworks posted in Blackboard (heading 5). Different ethical frameworks lead to a different way of solving the problem or improving the situation. I find that when students seek that third or fourth alternative, they make better recommendations. You will lose points if you have fewer than three alternatives.
Evaluate each alternative approach in terms of its advantages and disadvantages. All alternatives should have both advantages and disadvantages. You will lose points if you have fewer than two of each per alternative. This is the most important section in the report. If a student rushes to choose a solution without carefully considering other alternatives and evaluating them carefully, a less than optimal recommendation is often chosen.
The alternatives and pros/cons are based on what you think about the problem. You do not need to find citations that support those if they are your own thoughts, conclusions, or opinions.
Choose one of the alternatives as a recommendation to the decision maker (heading 6).
· “How should I cite my sources?” You are required to use citations and references in APA format. Please become familiar with its rules. Each time you use data or information that you read or heard, you need to cite where you read it or heard it. Unless it is your opinion or you collected the data yourself (did you count how many people were defrauded?), each sentence should have a citation. It does not need to be a direct quote to need an in-text citation. Please list all references at the end of the document.
· “Should we cite our textbook when using definition from it?” Yes, absolutely. Not citing someone else’s definition is plagiarism. Do not take credit for the work that the book authors did. Some students seem to think that only direct quotes require a citation. This is wrong and will have consequences (see section on Academic Dishonesty).
· “What style of writing should I use?” For any kind of writing, consider your audience. In business, you typically write for managers. A busy manager should be able to take a quick glance at your paper and get the major points. If he or she wants more details, it should be easy to get to them without spending too much time figuring out what the main point of your paper is. Second instruction: write something you did not like about the syllabus. Your writing style should be direct, concise, and precise. You do not need different ways of saying the same thing. In fact, it is much easier to read the same word again rather than trying to figure out if ‘business’, ‘organization’ and ‘company’ are all the same thing. Some students think using synonyms makes their writing more interesting; it does not. Vague writing is not helpful to a manager, so make your points clear and logical.
· “Can I submit several drafts of the paper?” Yes, I will set up Blackboard so that you can submit several drafts. I will grade the last version you submitted (before the deadline).
· “Will you post an example of a paper for us to see?” No. I have several reasons (1) as a college student, you should be able to read, interpret and execute instructions without seeing an example, and (2) when I have done this in the past, some students have simply used the paper as a blueprint and did some rewording here and there. I am not sure those students learned anything other than how to copy someone else’s paper. As you can imagine, this is not the point of the assignment.
· “How long should the paper be?” The paper has a strict 1800-word limit. I will not read more than 1800 words. While there is no minimum, students who make their papers too short (800 words or so) rarely show a thorough understanding of the issue and its possible solutions. Do not include citations and references in the word count.
· It is hard to write only 1800 words. You can write as much as you want, on your first draft. As you proof-read your paper, eliminate redundant phrases and comments that do not add value to your paper. This will take time and effort.
· “What type of problems are okay to write about in this class?” This is a management class. You need to select a manager of an organization as the decision maker. Usually, managers in organizations have no impact on political issues. Similarly, do not choose a technical or another type of non-managerial problem. (Examples of non-managerial problems include how to get a loan, how to fix a car, etc.)
· “Can I recommend something new or a combination of alternatives?” No, there should be almost no new information added in this section. If you are recommending it, it should have been evaluated in section 3. Do NOT recommend combining alternatives 1 and 2, unless you have evaluated 1 and 2 together.
· Do NOT recommend the hiring of a consultant (because you are the consultant).
· “Do I need to recommend what the actual CEO did?” “What if I don’t know what the actual decision was?” Reporting what the actual CEO did or what actually happened is not what I have assigned. I am interested in your ability to understand the problem using what you know from this class. With that understanding, I want you to evaluate and propose alternative solutions. After that analysis, I want you to propose a solution. Your solution should be different than what actually happened.
· “Do we need those exact headings or do we write it in paragraph form? Can we use bullet points in-stead of full sentences?” You do not need these headings, but it is easier to follow the paper if you use them. It also helps you make sure that you met the requirements for each section. You can use bullet points for some parts of the assignment but please make sure your thoughts are fully explained. Example: if you mean to say, “Laying off workers will save the organization money in the short run,” do not use a bullet point that says, “Money is saved.”
To improve your grade, you can get 5 points added to the paper if you submit a draft. I will give you up to 3 sentences of feedback. You can also re-submit a revision of your paper after it is graded, you can earn up to 50% of the points you lost if you make the corrections. You are required to highlight or underline the corrections so I can see them.

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