Posted: August 18th, 2022

. Identify the type of business you will discuss.

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**This order is to obtain a reply to two discussion board posts from my classmates. ** I already have my initial post done.
Unit 3 looks are the critical roles of management, marketing and finance within a business.
Think about a small business that employs just under 50 people. Majority of the employees are full time employees with some part-time or seasonal staff as well. The business depends on good customer service, consistency of delivering the product in a timely manner and a continuous supply to buyers. Additionally, the business is in a small market; competition is visible and present so word of mouth and reputation can spread quickly. This small business usually does $3 million to $4.5 million in sales. With respect to management, marketing and finance, please answer the following questions.
1. Identify the type of business you will discuss.
2. Explain and give 5 relevant practical examples why and how good management would be critical to the business’s success.
3. Explain and give 5 relevant practical examples why and how marketing (i.e. traditional, non-traditional, word of mouth, and etc…) would help the business increase sales.
4. What is the role of finance within a business organization? How does finance influence decision making? Give 5 specific examples of how finance will drive decision making within a business.
Initial posts and replies should be in paragraph form and complete sentences. An initial post should be a minimum of 200 words, and use factual information from the text or other cited sources per 6th edition APA. Replies should be factual and proper sources should be cited to substantiate your point of view. Avoid making assumptions or providing opinion without supporting literature.
Rubric for Blackboard Discussion
Participates in discussion
Provides comments and new information in a regular and equitable manner. Interacts with a variety of participants by posting queries, comments, and thoughtful responses
Provides comments and some new information in a
fairly regular manner. Interacts with a few selected participants by posting
queries, comments, and thoughtful responses
Sporadically provides comments and some new
information. Interacts with only one or two participants by
posting queries, comments, and thoughtful responses
Provides minimal comments and information to other
participants. Participates infrequently in on-line discussions or
e-mail; and postings are irrelevant or superficial
Does not enter discussion.
Content of Posting
Postings are accurate, original, and relevant. Even better than telling us something new, they raise new questions that lead to further discussion
from a variety of people. Reveals a solid understanding of the topic as
evidenced by thoughtful responses and questions.
Makes significant contributions to the discussion. Reveals adequate understanding of the topic as
evidenced by posts telling us something new.
Postings consist largely of personal opinions or
experiences. Reveals a restricted understanding of the topic
limited to information that could be derived from prior posts.
Adds little to the substantive discussion but may
contribute to the social aspects of the course. Does not add to the discussion.
Critical Thinking as evidenced by post
Offers a critical analysis of an existing posted
idea or introduces a different interpretation to an
existing idea.
Agrees or
disagrees with existing discussion and provides limited
justification/explanation (e.g., text readings, resources).
Offers a
critical analysis of an existing posted idea or introduces a different
interpretation to an existing idea.
Provides no evidence of agreement or disagreement
with existing discussion.
Does not enter posting.
Writing response
Highly skilled presentation of ideas. Engages
reading. Work exceeds expectations for this level of student. Absolutely no errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar noted.
presents ideas. Work appropriate for this level of student. No
spelling or grammar errors noted. A few minor punctuation errors
skilled presentation of ideas. Engages reading. Work exceeds
expectations for this level of student. Absolutely no errors in
spelling, punctuation, or grammar noted.
Limited ability to convey ideas noted. Below
expectations of work at this level. Errors noted in spelling,
punctuation, and grammar.
Does not write response.

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