Posted: February 18th, 2022

Identify three specific events and/or figures from the late historical period of public health (excluding Mary Mallon, the 1918 influenza pandemic, and the HIV, Zika, Ebola, SARS, and COVID outbreaks).

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1. Identify three specific events and/or figures from the early historical period of public health (excluding Hippocrates, John Snow, Louis Pasteur, and the Bubonic plaque). Label each event or figure. For each, state its significance in public health history and its current use or application in modern day public health practice. Use complete sentences to describe significance and current use (i.e., do not just list a name, disease, event, or phrase).
2. Identify three specific events and/or figures from the late historical period of public health (excluding Mary Mallon, the 1918 influenza pandemic, and the HIV, Zika, Ebola, SARS, and COVID outbreaks). Label each event or figure. For each, state its significance in public health history and its current use or application in modern day public health practice. Use complete sentences to describe significance and current use (i.e., do not just list a name, disease, event, or phrase).
3. Discuss one ethical issue, conflict, or controversy that exists within either the history of public health or our public health institutions.  Identify which you are addressing. Do not use the COVID pandemic for this question. Be specific and give an example. Offer one recommendation on how this issue either has been addressed in the past or can be addressed through current public health practice. Limit your response to no more than one paragraph of 6-8 sentences.
One paragraph for each.

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