Posted: June 2nd, 2022

Identify your internship company and a specific country to analyze your brand’s international market. The country can be from Asia, South America, Europe, the Middle East, or anywhere else on the globe.

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What you need to cover: Introduce yourself.
Identify your internship company and a specific country to analyze your brand’s international market.
The country can be from Asia, South America, Europe, the Middle East, or anywhere else on the globe.
Pitch two elements from each quadrant of actors and forces about your internship company.
Refer to Table 8.1 of Chapter 8.
Slide Requirements
Create six slides with Microsoft Powerpoint
(Links to an external site.)
, Google Slides, or another tool of your choice.
Structure your slides as follows:
Slide 1 – Include your name, internship company, country or market.
Slides 2 to 5 – Include two elements of each quadrant from Table 8.1, with brief highlights of your discussion points, on each slide.
Slide 6 – Include a summary of your presentation.
Must be only 6 slides (See below’s tab – Formatting Requirements – for more details).
Save your slides as a PDF file and then upload the PDF version of your slide in Waypoint.

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