Posted: October 22nd, 2022

Ie a company focused on quality may wish to “tradeoff” cost with higher quality and this is reflected in the weighting criteria other factors to consider: – depending on the company values and industry – you may wish to include “certifications/accreditations” i.e., organic certification in sub-criteria.

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(1) Please create a supplier scorecard (Procurement Scorecard) for the company Microsoft and it will be based on the company’s values like Respect, Integrity, or Accountability. Use the attached template. It is just the reference, remove the column data.
Please fill in the data for the first 2 columns and the last one (Area, Scorecard Criteria, and Area Weight), as they are mandatory. Need a minimum of 5 data means ( 5 Areas or specific criteria).
(2) Also explain WHY you have chosen the specific criteria, sub-criteria, and relative weights.
(3) Include 1 KPI for each criterion that the procurement department wants to evaluate to make sure the supplier is on track for review.
Note: Criteria and sub-criteria should be unique and specific to the company/industry depending on its competitiveness
a. Ie a company focused on cost may wish to weigh cost higher than other criteria
b. Ie a company focused on quality may wish to “tradeoff” cost with higher quality and this is reflected in the weighting criteria other factors to consider: – Depending on the company values and industry – you may wish to include “certifications/accreditations” i.e., Organic Certification in sub-criteria. – Keep in mind the company values – ie LUSH cosmetics has ethical sourcing – there must be some criteria/sub-criteria in the scorecard that reflects this.

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