Posted: July 4th, 2022

If you had to choose, who would you say had a more moral motivation – Ari or Immy?

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(1) Suppose there are 2 people, Ari and Immy. Last Friday night, both Ari and Immy spent 4 hours working in a soup kitchen. But when you ask them, they had very different motives. Ari loves helping people less fortunate and gets a lot of personal satisfaction from serving in this way. In fact, you could say that Ari was doing what he felt like doing. Immy, on the other hand, hates things like soup kitchens, and to make it worse, all of his friends are at a really fun party. But he knows that helping people less fortunate is the right thing to do, so he goes to the soup kitchen despite his feelings.
If you had to choose, who would you say had a more moral motivation – Ari or Immy?
(2) Do you think that aggregating happiness is moral? Why or why not?
(3) Analyze the case somethings Rotten in Hondo.pdf .

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