Posted: October 16th, 2022

If you see the word review anywhere on the webpage you are viewing, do not use it.

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The guidlines have been attached. The assignment needs to follow the layout of the words REAL. One article needs to be chosen and the disease should be sickle cell anemia. Please look at the attachement for a more detailed explanation.
These are the directions: (They are in the attachment)
Using PubMed ( or SciFinder ( or other appropriate literature search engine, choose a
primary research article that covers a biochemistry topic that we have discussed in class (I may also
provide you with a specific topic so be sure to check announcements for this information prior to
starting this assignment).
a) You may not use a literature review for the assignment. If the abstract for the article uses the
phrase “in this review” do not use it. If you see the word review anywhere on the webpage you
are viewing, do not use it. (see screenshot below)
b) The article you choose for your KIR assignment must be dated within the last 5 years (ok, I’ll give
you anything from 2015-present).
c) You must include a copy of the article you choose when you turn in your assignment.
Most important thing is not to use a literature review article.

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