Posted: June 9th, 2022

If you were a departing governor what advice would you give a new governor about the position they are about to take? What is the composition of the directors on your cabinet? What agencies are sitting at the table?

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If you were a departing governor what advice would you give a new governor about the position they are about to take? What is the composition of the directors on your cabinet? What agencies are sitting at the table? What commissions are important? Why? How do you deal with the legislature? What else would you stress when briefing your replacement?
Discussion Guidlines
Questions and topics posed in the Discussions are designed to
promote thought and insight. Students must provide a critical review of the
questions, topics and issues posed and substantively reply to the contributions
of at least three peers. Individual postings should include a full discussion
of the content of the question posed and explain how it relates to the concepts
in the weekly text readings and other resources. The postings should be
analytic in nature and include comparisons/contrasts, and examples that can
bolster your point. The Discussion is for your benefit and it is important to
respond to the discussion topic and to engage others in a running dialogue.
Your initial post should be made by Wednesday each week. You
should then respond to 3 or more posts. Note that at least one response to your
classmates must be made before Sunday. If you make all of your responsive posts
on Sunday, you will not earn full points for timeliness.
This can be accomplished by:
Validating with
additional evidence from the literature.
Posing a
thoughtful question with a commentary which generates further discussion.
Providing an
alternative point-of-view, with evidence and examples.
additional insight into how the concept might be understood, with evidence
provided with real world examples.

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