Posted: May 21st, 2022

imagine yourself as a community leader in the region where you currently live. You have been tasked with assessing current and significant environmental issues that impact your community at a local level.

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Significant environmental issues can devastate a community. Community leaders and committees play important roles in assessing and mitigating the impacts. In this assignment, you will create a 10-to12-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you will imagine yourself as a community leader in the region where you currently live. You have been tasked with assessing current and significant environmental issues that impact your community at a local level. You may define the “community” as a region, county, or city for your analysis. The issues you identify may include environmental concerns not currently significant but may become significant in the future. You will be developing a presentation to share your concerns at a community town hall meeting.
Be sure to use research and data to support your analysis.
When design your content slides, you must also include slide notes (also called speaker notes). For each slide, your speaker notes should contain a minimum of 100 words describing and expanding on the content.
Research current and significant environmental issues that your community faces.
Visit Mayors/Business Alliance for a Sustainable Future (Links to an external site.) to look at examples of how local leaders are networking and partnering within and beyond their communities to become informed and effect change.

Mayors/Business Alliance for a Sustainable Future

In your presentation,
Describe your community and two to three environmental issues impacting it.
Analyze how each of these issues impacts the health and well-being of the community members.
Discuss one to two major causes of these environmental issues, using some research support that may include local publications or reports.
Provide at least two steps that could be taken (or already are being taken) by regional or local leaders or governmental or regulatory agencies to reduce the impact of the environmental issues.
Discuss at least two steps that organizations could take to reduce the impact of environmental issues.
Describe two things you can do personally to reduce the impact of environmental issues.
Remember: Add at least 100 words of explanation to the Speaker Notes section of each slide. Also, the Speaker Notes section is a great place to include your in-text citations for your sources.

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