Posted: September 23rd, 2022

Implied relationship between indigenous australians and the wider australian community?

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Significance of 1967 referendum – point of comparison between pre and post event
Consider goals for each events/policy – before and after
Examine covert and hidden goals that could be associated with event – underlying goal
How do these events position indigenous vs non indigenous Australians
Indigenous Australians – had a role in the decision making? Includes indigenous views/represented?
Were indigenous Australians constructed as different to the norm?
Similarities/differences evident in the goals
Are the goals similar or different?
Pre vs post goal – are indigenous Australians positioned differently after 1967?
Similar or significant?
Implied relationship between indigenous Australians and the wider Australian community?
Powerful influences that shape what we know.
How discourses/norms are associated?
Pre vs post event – do they still have an impact on how we view/understand indigenous Australians
Think of ourselves and where we fit in the world
Influences that have shaped what we know. How it impacts our understanding of the policies or events that we selected to examine
Social, institutional, and historical influences on our understanding – layers of standpoint and examining since week 1
How each of those layers affect what we know and how we know it
Reflect on examples of institutions familiar with – school, professions and how its influenced.
are attached in the files
Randell-Moon, H. (2019). Introduction. In H. Randell-Moon (Ed.), Incarceration, Migration and Indigenous Sovereignty: Thoughts on Existence and Resistance in Racist Times (pp. 8-10, 12-14). Dubbo: Space, Race, Bodies.
Note read only pages 8-10, 12-14.
Perera, S. (2009). Australia and the Insular Imagination: Beaches, Borders, Boats, and Bodies. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Beresford, Q., & Omaji, P. (1998). Our state of mind: racial planning and the stolen generations. Fremantle: Fremantle Arts Centre Press
Notes – only chapter 1
Chisari, M. (2012). The History and Values of Australian Citizenship Testing. In C. Elder & K. Moore (Eds), New Voices, New Visions: Challenging Australian Identities and Legacies (pp. 138 – 151). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publisher.

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