Posted: June 9th, 2022

In 2015, Google Ince. became Alphabet Inc. and Google became a subsidiary of Alp

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In 2015, Google Ince. became Alphabet Inc. and Google became a subsidiary of Alphabet. This rebirth of Google as a holding company was an acknowledgement of its expansion well beyond its original business of internet search.
However, the transformation of Google into Alphabet did little to clarify the corporate strategy of the company. Google’s expansion beyond search had taken it into a bewildering variety of technology-based businesses. Although most of these related to web-based information, computer software and advertising, others had little relationship to Google’s mission to “organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” These included operating systems such as Android and Chrome, home security and control systems (Nest), hardware devices such as smartphones and tablets, software for autonomous cars (Waymo) and various life sciences projects.
Read Case Study #12, then answer the following questions:
What is Google’s corporate strategy? Does Google have a clear vision of what it wants to become? Explain your answers in 2 – 3 paragraphs
Evaluate Google’s diversification into new products and businesses, with particular reference to:
Browsers (Chrome)
Mobile phone operating systems (Android)
Mobile devices
Driverless cars
in 2-3 paragraphs
Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.
The Economist article, “Technology Giants at War,” outlines that each company below has different core businesses, yet market linkages and market convergence means they all are increasingly coming into contact with each other:
Google (Alaphabet)
Go to Google’s website and review the products and services that they offers.
Understanding the diverse industries Google is in, and their competition, do you believe Google’s diversification strategy is sustainable? Which businesses or products would you recommend abandoning or selling (if any)? Defend your position.
In order to create a vibrant learning community for this interactive discussion, and to receive maximum participation points for this week, you must answer this question with at least 300 words using key concepts from the textbook and any researched articles
This discussion question is based around the Netflix vs Disney Case Study in the course textbook.
Check out the references (articles and videos) below:

Think about both Netflix and Disney’s current resources and capabilities, the rise of technology, and COVID-19 impacts on the entertainment industry. What strategic recommendations would you offer to either Netflix or Disney for them to be successful for the next 10 years in their industry? This includes defending itself from new competition and surviving the external environment. Defend your point of view.
In order to create a vibrant learning community for this interactive discussion, and to receive maximum participation points for this week, you must answer this question with at least 300 words using key concepts from the textbook and any researched articles

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