Posted: August 19th, 2022

In 6-8 pages examine the following: Provide the most important insights or takea

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In 6-8 pages examine the following:
Provide the most important insights or takeaway points on leadership you believe you have gained from this course. Explain why you found them personally meaningful to you. Support your thinking with the readings.
Critically review your self-improvement plans based on the following Summary of your strengths and weaknesses as a managerial leader, and the basis for your assessment; Provide summary tables (of your scores) and your CVF charts [CVF Roles and CVF traits] and even your EI and TL charts to augment your self-analysis.
Identification of your two weakest roles and associated competencies and why these two roles are your weakest roles;
Options available to you for improving your skills over the next 30 days, 60 days, and 180 days;
Detail plans on how you will evaluate your improvement efforts and adjust as needed;
List of obstacles that might prevent you from fully realizing your leadership potential
Summarize with an evaluation of your strengths and expected outcomes.
i’ve atached 3 video links that throughout the course and 3 pdf’s about leadership. all talked about in course please use videos and pdf’s
i also uploaded my CVF charts so you have have understadning of my scores and strengths and weaknesses. Please use also.
Overall, this paper will be assessed in terms of how well you have integrated ideas gained throughout the course; how realistic, creative, and insightful your roadmap is; and the passion, conviction and intellectual rigor with which you provide the analysis.

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