Posted: February 28th, 2022

In “Appendix 1” (pp. 309-314), Frederic Laloux explains the methodology utilized in Reinventing Organizations.

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Module 4: Discussion 4.2: Research Questions
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In “Appendix 1” (pp. 309-314), Frederic Laloux explains the methodology utilized in Reinventing Organizations.  He writes: “With varying degrees of depth, 12 organizations were analyzed so as to understand their pioneer practices in the fields of management and collaboration.  Two sets of research questions were used.  The first relates to 45 fundamental business practices and processes, to understand how these pioneer organizations operate on a daily basis.  The second set comprised 27 questions related to the past and the future: the conditions that allowed a novel organizational model to emerge, and the critical factors for it to keep operating along these new lines.”  The first set of research questions were broken down into three major sections: Major Organizational Processes, Human Resources, and Daily Life.  Thus, under Major Organizational Processes, we see:
1. Purpose and strategy — For example: What process is used to define purpose and strategy?  Who is involved?  Who senses when it is time to review purpose and strategy?
2. Innovation (product development, process development, R&D) — For example: What practices and processes are used to foster innovation?  Who is involved?  Who filters and decides what gets attention and funding?
3. Sales — For example: What is the sales strategy?  Who is responsible? What are the targets and incentives?
Take some time to familarize yourself with “Appendix 1”; then, chose certain research questions listed there to analyze your own organization (the organization where you currently work or have some relationship with [this can include your family if need be]).  This assignment requires you to examine six different areas within your organization (choose two areas from each of the three major sections: Major Organizational Processes, Human Relations, and Daily Life).  Answer the questions listed within each of the three areas you chose and any other questions that come to your mind relevant to the area.  The goal here is to not only gather useful information in regard to how your organization is currently functioning, but also to determine what level of development your organization is currently operating from (Red, Amber, Orange, Green, and possibly Teal).  After answering all of the questions in the six areas you choose, do be sure to indicate which color/level of development you feel the organization seems representative of.  Please use secondary research to gather the data by simply examining local organizational internal/external documents and/or reports, published books, articles, etc.  You are, of course, also free to utilize primary research by interviewing reliable individuals in leadership positions within the organization who have access to relaible information in relation to what you are seeking.  (If you like, please see Conducting Interviews
if you have never created nor conducted an interview.)  In addition to answering the questions/gathering the data, be sure to summarize your thoughts on the experience/what you learned about how your organization is functioning.  Be sure to cite sources.  This Discussion exercise is not intended to be a research project (although it could be), but rather an exercise where you gather reliable information about your organization instead of simply relying on your “intuition” — thus, read a bit and/or talk to leaders within the organization to the best of your ability.
Writing at least 600-700 words (required minimum length), [note the length and point total] post to the Discussion. Although, you are certainly free to post earlier than this of course. (60 points)
Student Example DB 4.2
Student Example DB 4.2 #2
Student Example DB 4.2 #3
The Discussion post is due on 7/27/21.

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